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Blog | WaterNeeds Water Tanks and Water Pumps Sydney NSW

The Future of Water Usage in Australia

While much of New South Wales is currently experiencing higher than average rainfall as a result of the La Niña weather pattern, State and Federal governments in Australia continue to plan for the future of water usage, and the inevitable dry periods to come.In 2021 the NSW Government released its first long-term water management plan¹ [...]

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Can I install a Rainwater Tank Underground?

Yes. There are myriad options for underground water storage and different capacities and materials available, depending on your water usage requirements and site location. While excavating the ground to bury a water tank may not be initially the most cost effective option for a water tank, the benefits arise from the space saving advantages and keeping [...]

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La Niña ALERT: tropical Pacific Ocean continues to cool

For anyone with a water tank, you may have noticed a recent increase in rainfall and, as a result, increased water supply. Learn why this summer is going to be wetter than usual.The alertThe Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) has declared an alert for a La Niña like weather pattern forming across Australia and [...]

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How do submersible pumps work?

A submersible water pump, also known as an electric submersible pump, works under the surface by using submerged water pressure to fill the pump and then move the water to the desired location, either through a pipe, hose or tap.They feature an hermetic (air tight) seal and are close-coupled where the motor is directly coupled [...]

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​ How To Check Water Tank Level On Your Smart Phone?

Living in a country that is continually at the mercy of flooding rains and extended periods of drought, we're a country that has one of the highest rates of water tank drinking water usage in the world. We’ve recently discovered this ingenious invention designed to monitor your water tank levels with ease on your phone.This clever [...]

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Water Tank Contamination

In Australia, the rate of rainwater usage as drinking water is much higher than in other countries. Authorities consider the risk of using rainwater as very low and health authorities have noted no correlation with the use of rainwater for drinking and waterborne illness in Australia.To maximise the quality of your rainwater, WaterNeeds recommends regular [...]

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What Size Water Tank do I Need?

There’s not a one size fits all answer to the size rainwater tank you’ll need, as many factors can influence your decision. Below, we’ll run you through some simple calculations and average usage estimates to help you decide what size tank to buy.Generally speaking, you should purchase the largest water tank that will realistically fit at [...]

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Are Water Tanks Worth It?

The BenefitsUse your rainwater as you choose during water restrictions As we saw in 2019/2020, water restrictions across NSW reached level 4 in some areas, which heavily restricted how and when you could use water inside and outside your home or property.  Even if you’re using town or mains water, having a store of rainwater you’ve collected [...]

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Buyers Guide: Rainwater Tanks

There are myriad options available when it comes to choosing a water tank. The below guide can assist you in determining the best water tank to suit your property and water use needs.Size Water tank size is influenced by several factors including how much water capacity you’ll require and how much space is available. Sizes range from [...]

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Excellent Rainy La Niña Weather Conditions Forecast For Water Tank Owners

The Australian Bureau of Meteorology has declared a La Niña weather pattern to occur from now until the end of Summer 2021, delivering much needed increased rainfall to many parts of Australia, including Sydney, The Hunter, Mid North Coast and Woolongong areas, as well as parts of Western NSW.What does the La Niña weather pattern [...]

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